SMA’s Highly Anticipated Micro Inverter Now Shipping

Solar professionals have been waiting anxiously for the release of the SMA Sunny Boy 240-US micro inverter. SMA America is proud to announce that it is now available!
The Sunny Boy 240-US offers leading efficiency, design flexibility, simplicity and module-level optimization, all backed by SMA’s unrivaled bankability and service support. It also features exclusive SMA Sunny Multigate technology, which maximizes system reliability. Watch this short video to learn more about the Sunny Boy 240-US.
Click here to find out “Where to Buy” the Sunny Boy 240-US.
Do you have a project to share using an SMA micro inverter? We would love to hear about it! Email us at
My English is very bad so I prefer to write which details do you need?
Hello, how does the sb240-US generate its 2nd phase? I have to convert a US model to EU. I am aware that I have no warranty claims thereafter. Must therefore make the split phase L1 and L2 like the one for 230V.
Would the sb240 – us-99 work with sb multigate (non us model)
Could the us multigate/sb240-us-99 parmeters be changed enough to work on 240v single phase i.e. change paramters to export at 240v per phase in lieu of 120v per phase?? again not for mains grid connect.
Is it possible to upgrade the SB240 to be compliant with UL 1741 SA?
I need to unplug my SMA MICRO DC TO MC4 CABLE ADAPTER from my sma 240 micro inverter. How is this done? Do I need a special tool?
The other two plugs (SMA Sunny Boy MICRO LANDSCAPE AC Cable 79 inch (2 Meter) with Male Plugs for SB 240-US-10) unplugged easily with a flat blade screwdriver to move the clips out of the lock position.
Can you help? Jon
Dear SMA I’m in the process of designing a solar system and would like to use the Sunny Boy 7000wTL-US-22 Inverter with my array I have contacted several companies for bids. But is seems no one has heard of this model and said I need micro inverters for any shading issues I might have. It’s my understanding that with TL-US-22 with MPP trackers and OptiTrac Global that it will mitigate any shading issues I might have and I don’t need micro inverters also with the TL-US-22 how may panels on each string can you run? and if I get some shade will it knock out the whole array or one string? Please could you help clear up this issue before I spend several thousands dollars and wish I would have went another direction, No matter which way I go my inverter will be a SMA product I think your coumpany offers the best product on the market. Thank You R G Weide
Do you have any sample wiring schematics to which you can share a link (or share via email)? I would like to see the wiring from micro inverters at the array through junction boxes to Multigate, then AC disconnect and meter. And where does the system connect to a grounding electrode?
I know Sma makes the best products but you are losing a ton of market to solar edge by not providing a micro inverter or optimizer that will work with sunpower modules.
I really like the SMA SunnyBoy 240-US. Personally, I think if SMA keeps it up and markets these more, they can easily rival the Enphase Microinverters. Here’s a good deal on them
A question was asked before regarding the lack of a neutral on these inverters. I’m still unclear on this. The response stated “The daisy chain cable connecting the Sunny Boy Micro 240s is a three-conductor cable: line 1, line 2 and ground for a 240V split-phase AC output.” But in a 240V split-phase panel, there is a neutral to allow for 120 volt circuits. In my panel, ground and neutral are bonded together. If I were to measure across either output leg of the inverter and the inverter ground, would I see 120 volts?
Buenos días, Tengo un equipo Sunny boy 700u, estoy realizando un montaje de un sistema solar fotovoltaico conectado a la red, mi inquietud es respecto a la conexión de este equipo, quiero saber si el inversor hace la sincronización y conexión de la carga a la red o si se requiere algún tipo de transferencia manual, automática, o algún equipo de temporizador….me gustaría enviar el diagrama de los equipos que voy a instalar, para ello quisiera me informaran de algún correo electrónico para enviar esta información. Gracias
When/where can I buy them?
What is the percentage if US content in the SMA micro inveter? Where is it assmebled. Does it qualify as a Made In USA product, meeting the all or mostly all definition (purported to be 75% content and final assembly)?
I saw you mentioned the units will not work with SunnyIsland Freq Shift
Will the Upper and Lower Error Freq settings be adjustable under installer permissions. This will permit the units to be deployed in Island Community Systems where the Freq stability and voltage levels vary.
I have two questions, At my home i do not have a landline for internet. All my wireless devices connect to the internet through my cell phone. My cell phone is the HOT SPOT at my home, Will i be able connect up with the maltigate-us through my cell phone, would i have to buy somekind of router that will allow me to run the multigate-us through my cell phone. Second, Do i have to buy the 10 year extended warranty for the sunny boy 240 micro inverters at the exact time that i first buy the sunny boy 240 micro inverters or can i buy that warranty a little later down the road. Thanks
i would like to know the correct connector adapters to use for the sunny boy 240-us micro inverter. i’m using a Sharp ND-Q250F7 module. i have been told by the seller, who is putting my solar kit together that i can use a SMA MI-DC4_10 DC-MC4 adapter. can you please tell me the adapter that should be used not one that can be used so that i don’t have any matching of adapters to modules problems.
Thank you for the fast response. One other quick question: Will this micro-inverter work with the LG-285 watt panel (Voc=39V, PTC=263.5w) or will it power-clip the output of the panel to 250w? Also, it would be great if you had a 350 watt micro-inverter model to handle the SunPower 300w+ panels.
What is the warranty for this micro-inverter? Please say 20 years so you can compete with Enphase!
Do the SunnyBoy Micro Inverters have electrolytic capacitors?
Andrew Gray
From what I can find on your website and information, it seems the SB-240 is simply a 3-wire output at 240VAC, with two legs at 120VAC each anda ground. there is NO NEUTRAL on the output, is that correct, or have I missed something somewhere?
Dear Melissa, Is SMA thinking about enabling communication between the SB 240 & the Sunny Island in the future? It just makes a lot of sense to me and to all micro-inverter advocates I have spoken with recently.
I would love to see this as I strongly believe that a seamless integration would become the most important relative advantage between your new micros and those of your well established competitor.
There is a need in the market for this and if SMA doesn’t arrive at solution soon, someone else will.
I want to know more about Sunny Boy 240 for the Brazilian grid, and also price liste, since I am using other micro inverters in my projects, thank you !
Do you know of a inverter that excepts different panel watts. Like 5 260 watt panel 10 300watt panels etc. it would multiple line inputs.
I am from an island in the Caribbean and am researching micro inverters for my solar setup. Our mains is 230v 50hz 3phase. Are there versions of these micro inverters available for the mains in my country?
Is there an “on-line” example of the per modual data display that an owner would see?
My question is similar to the earlier question of Will Wilkin, which remained unanswered at this writing. I would phrase the question as: Can two or more “sets” of SB240s exist in one installation? Can two or more Multigates coexist on a single router?
How big of an array can we build using the SB240s? Is there a maximum number of microinverters that can be in a system?
I read the Install Manual and the data sheets for the SB240 and the Multigate, but nowhere see how to wire multiple Multigates, say, a system of 84 modules and 84 SB240s, ie, 7 branches of 12. Using a subpanel just for solar circuits, it seems each of the 7 Multigates would backfeed through a 15A 2-pole breaker. But how does the data monitoring system work for multiple Multigates? Is there a daisy-chain configuration?
Are these new ‘micro’ inverters essentially the latest ‘plug & play’ technology?
I notice that the spec sheet says “max DC input” is 250 watts. Will that increase? Our primary module is a 260 and a 290. Also, when we asked an SMA guy at the SMA booth at Intersolar about the SMA Micro inverter he basically said he hated it and that Micro inverters as a whole we’re soon going to be obsolete.
Will the sma micros allow the sunny island to use frequency shift to throttle them back as needed?