Tech Talk: Webconnect vs. WebBox

SMA has introduced a new method of monitoring PV systems and transmitting data to its free online monitoring tool, Sunny Portal. Webconnect provides easy access to Sunny Portal via existing Internet access and DSL router, without the need for an additional data logger. It is now available as a factory-integrated or retrofit feature for many of SMA’s Sunny Boy inverter models.
How does this compare to SMA’s established Sunny WebBox system? Let’s first take a deeper look at the new Webconnect.
Webconnect: How does it work?
Webconnect provides direct data transmission from the inverter to Sunny Portal via an Ethernet cable. Data is streamed “live” similar to the way that live video is transmitted.

PIC and RID numbers cannot be seen on the Webconnect once installed inside inverter. Stickers are provided for your reference.
With SMA’s next generation of string inverters the system data is stored inside the inverters. For the Sunny Boy 240-US micro inverter, information is kept within the Sunny Multigate, a groundbreaking technology that maximizes system reliability and enables greater energy production.
When these inverters are equipped with Webconnect, this data is gathered and sent directly to Sunny Portal. Data retrieval can also be done locally using Sunny Explorer, a Windows-based software for PC. Connection to Sunny Portal is not required for data retrieval, but Webconnect must be installed with the correct time and date stamping. This local connection between Sunny Explorer and the Webconnect is referred to as “Speedwire,” an SMA-specific protocol based on Ethernet.

Ethernet cable is connected directly to Webconnect within the inverter and can be accessed via Sunny Explorer or Sunny Portal.
Sunny Portal Registration with Webconnect
The “Plant Setup Assistant” contacts Webconnect over the Internet and, if a connection is established, you will be asked to enter its PIC and RID numbers. The PIC and RID numbers are located on the Webconnect label and on a separate sticker. Once the Webconnect module is installed inside the inverter, it is difficult to read the PIC and RID numbers. Have these available when starting the registration process. The separate sticker should be adhered to the inverter for quick reference after registration.
Once the PIC and RID numbers are identified by the “Plant Setup Assistant,” the rest is basic data entry. You must set a PV plant password; it can’t be the default passwords of 1111 or 0000. If this is the first time you’ve registered with your email on Sunny Portal, you will be emailed your password for signing in to Sunny Portal.
Sunny Portal Registration with Sunny WebBox
Thanks to the new “Sunny WebBox Assistant,” setting up a Sunny WebBox could not be simpler. The data logger setup is completed in six easy steps:
1. Authorization
2. Selection of the installation type (new plant, existing plant, device replacement)
3. System settings (name, plant time, automatic updates)
4. Network settings (fixed IP, DHCP, Proxy)
5. Data settings (Sunny Portal registration, FTP)
6. Summary (profile saving, print out, connection test)

Monitoring using Sunny WebBox allows for larger PV plants, wireless connection and custom pages on Sunny Portal.
The registration process for Sunny WebBox has not changed and is conducted through the local interface on site. The “Plant Setup Assistant” is not for registering Sunny WebBox. Customers often ask where the PIC and RID numbers are located in order to register their Sunny WebBox, but they do not exist for these devices. Click here to download the complete guide to setting up a Sunny WebBox.
Features and Limitations: Webconnect vs. Sunny WebBox
Knowing that the Webconnect is a more economical option, you may wonder why you would ever need a Sunny WebBox. The answer is simple: The Sunny WebBox has additional features that might be required or desired. Below is a comparison of features of both options.
- Plug-and-play installation, with no wire terminations, is just like plugging a computer into a router/switch
- Automatic configuration and setup, DHCP, Portal Setup Assistant
- Automatic product updates ensure that device firmware is always up to date
- Star, ring or daisy-chain wiring allowed, just like a LAN
- Limit of four devices per plant on Sunny Portal (aimed at residential and small commercial PV systems)
- No RS485 or Bluetooth connection/integration, which means no Sunny SensorBox (at this time)
- No RPC, FTP, Flashview or Modbus capabilities
- No custom pages on Sunny Portal
- No option for wireless connection to inverter
Sunny WebBox:
- Up to 50 devices per Sunny WebBox/ PV Plant
- RS485 and Bluetooth options, can connect to Sunny SensorBox
- Wireless Bluetooth connection to inverter is possible
- RCP, Flashview, FTP and Modbus capable
- Able to build custom pages on Sunny Portal
- Not plug and play, screw terminals and specific pin-out for wiring, jumpers placed correctly
- Manual configuration required, some networking knowledge needed
- Daisy chain is the only configuration allowed (RS485)
To learn more about the features and benefits of the Webconnect and Sunny WebBox, visit the SMA America website and click “Monitoring Systems.”
***Modbus capabilities (both SMA and SunSpec) have been added to the Sunny Tripower with firmware 2.70.02 R (2014) and Sunny Boy TL-US with firmware 2.62.30R (2015) when using Webconnect technology.
Hello Mike,
Some documents shows it works with other gried tied inverter where we use to install RS485 with communicating to webbox. Also, can we still get webbox? if SMA speedwire is not supported by Sunny Island?
Hello !
I’m having trouble connecting the SPR-25TL to the SMA DATA MANAGER monitoring system.
There are 6 inverters installed on our site: 4 CORE1 (50 kWp) one – SUNNY TRIPOWER 6.0 and one SPR-25TL
All connected in series, how do I connect the SPR-25TL to this system?
Thanks !
I have a SB 7000US that was installed in 2013 that I would like to upgrade to have internet monitoring what do I need?
Hi, I have a 2100TL Sunny Boy with a additional Piggy Back (SWPB-10) installed. I can see the stats online wich is perfect, but I also want to read the data via modbus to make it work in my iot solution. Therefore I need to enable modbus but there is no such setting in the Sunny Explorer. Could this be related to old firmware or is this not possible at all?
I want to be able to monitor degradation of panels. Unfortunately I have a multiple array setup in strings. Fortunately I have 2 arrays facing the same way and have the same number of panels. I think if I’m able to compare these two strings, which should always have similar readings +/-, I should be able to see when 1 or 2 panels are performing below the degradation warranty spec.
Which SMA monitoring equipment needs to be installed on the older TL-US models. I’m imagining there wouldn’t be much difference between the 10-11-12-22 models. Thank you,
Can you cut and paste data from the sunny portal to a spreadsheet. Since data is only retained a few weeks.
Hi, I have a SMA SB 6000TL-US-22, with 485 Data Module factory installed, in order to modify country grid parameters, is it posible just to plug a computer (with a USB converter) to the rs485 module? I don’t care about web monitoring.
Hi, Sorry about my english. I have a Sunny Boy 7700TL-US-22 inverter with Webconnect attached. I can’t see production data in Sunny Portal via wireless but I can see it thru my ipad and laptop locally. If I connect an ethernet cable to the router I can see everything in the sunny portal. It will be that I can not connect to the sunny portal via wireless but with the ethernet cable works like I had read in other posts? Because I’ve made all the required tests and I have found nothing. Or there is some ports in the router that I have to open. Do you have any technical support in spanish?
I have a SB 6000TL US 22 with a RS485 data module. I will like to connect it to an ethernet modem (to use the monitoring Sunny Portal). Is there any other option (cheaper) than purchase the Speedwire/webconnect data module or the webbox?
Any update on a method to connect the sunnybox to the webconnect without swapping to a 485 card and adding a webbox? I have the webconnect working fine but I would like to get the sunnybox installed as well. My system is only 9KW so adding a webbox seems a but overkill and expensive.
I have an SMA SB 7000-US YELLOW LID with RS485. It was installed in Nov 2012. Which monitoring system is the correct one for this inverter? My previous system monitor has stopped working (Solar World Suntrol and is out of warranty, it used the RS485 interface)
I have installed 3 sunny island SI 8.0 and a STP 5000TL. Piggy Pag (RS485) is installed only in Master. Webbox is finding only one SI. Is that OK?
In Webbox in the overview as Plant Overview Power it is difficult to understand which power is defined. It seems that the difference between STP production and SI consumption is counted, while when no production is present only the consuption is taking into account.
Is it possible to change this and define as Plant Power the PV Power? Or is it possible to make any such changes in the Webbox?
I want to present some data on-line on a screen without the need of pressing refresh all the time. Though sunnyportal is loaded only once and after that refresh of the page is needed, I tried to base my presentation on Webbox values (I also used an older software of SMA – flashview, but the same data from Webbox are presented)
Thank you in advance.
i have sma SB5000tl-21 that give me the error “Webconnect error: registration of the SIP registry has not responded”. Can I know what is this?
I have a new Sunny Boy 7700TL-US-22 inverter with Webconnect attached. I can see production data in Sunny Portal. I understand that for US, it isn’t possible yet to add additional SMA equipment to see consumption in Sunny Portal yet. I have no other control needs (no batteries/load shed/Ect.). I just want to see consumption data. I already have an energy meter connected to my utility meter that is pulling my “net” metering data to a cloud database. My understanding is there is no current US ability for me to add this net meter data (consumption minus production) to Sunny portal, so Sunny portal can add the production data from Webconnect to my meter net data, and thus give me my consumption data. Or is there a way? Or a SMA device/meter solution?
Or (not preferred), is there a way to pull the SMA production data and load to a cloud data base in addition to Sunny Portal, so I can then have production data uploaded into another service where I can also add my net meter data, and then get my consumption data?
i have sb3000tl-21 comes with webconnect planning to upgrade my system into battery back up mode
my question is how to communicate the sunny island 6.0H to my inverter ?
Where can I download the latest firmware update of the webbox version 1.53f12 ?
Best ralph
I have a pair of SB 4000-TL-US-22 inverters with Webconnect retrofit modules installed. They worked flawlessly since November 2014. Two weeks ago one started to miss reporting to Sunny Portal and then the other. I am able to see the inverters using Sunny Explorer when I connect directly to the router. I considered permanently erasing the inverters from Sunny Portal and starting Plant Setup Assistant again but I am concerned I will lose history data. Any suggestions?
when i open my sunny webbox with Bluetooth on the the browser its say its has a problem. and also i couldn’t access to login menu even i reset the password.
this in the messages.
KeyNotFoundException: KeyNotFoundException at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException() at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item() at SMA.Data.Xml.Transformation.XmlReader.FromXmlFile() at SMA.Data.Xml.Transformation.ContentGenerator.GenerateContent() at SMA.Mlc.Web.ResourceManager.GetDynamicResource() at SMA.Mlc.Web.ResourceManager.GetResource() at SMA.Mlc.Web.SiteManager.ReturnLoginPage() at SMA.Mlc.Web.SiteManager.CanReplyRequest() at SMA.Mlc.Web.SiteManager.PerformRequest() at SMA.Mlc.Web.SiteManager.PerformGetRequest() at SMA.Web.Server.WebServer.PerformGetRequest() at WorkItem.doWork() at System.Threading.Timer.ring()
Hi Justin,
I tried to send you two emails to the email address but they came back as undeliverable due to the address not being found.
I waould like to get the list of the third-party wireless equipment for use with the Webconnect module. I think someitem on there will solve my problem.
I currently use 4 – Sunny Tripower 20000Tl-US and am looking integrate a SCADA system. With the new addition of the ModBus Protocol Interface, would I need to buy a Cluster controller or just use webconnect modules or piggy backs?
Hi, I would like to know if the SMA Bluetooth Piggy-Back
Plus with antenna will work with the new SB7000TL US-22.
The system is not on the house roof but on a detached garage so I don’t want to run a communications cable if possible. Thanks.
Hello. I had a small (3kW) system installed in 2004, with the Sunny Boy 2500U. I’ve never had logging/monitoring beyond the lifetime-production number on the LCD (or if I did, it’s news to me!). The inverter has failed and I need to replace it. If I want to track my production and monitor my system, do I just get the Sunny Boy 3000TL-US-22 plus either Webconnect or Webbox, or are there any other products I need to order? (I have an ethernet router and patch cables already.)
Please i have 4 invetres SMA sunny Boy Speedwire and a datalogger solar-log with RS485 inputs how can i connect them together ,can i use an RJ45 to RS485 converter?
Our internet connection was not available earlier than 1.5 months after the delivery of our PV plant. In Sunny Portal we therefore miss the first period. In Sunny Explorer I saw that these data are accessible from the startdate of the plant. Is it possible to have also visible this early data in Sunny Portal?
Hi everyone, I am newbie here, I need help on how to integrate sensor box to my existing sunny webbox, the sensor box is installed in the roof and it is connected to power injector blue tooth, now my problem is I cannot see any option to add the sensor box to my sunny web box. please help.
We have several SMA installations that we need to collect inverter data from. We would like to use the Web Connect where applicable to transmit this data, either in existing installations or in new installations moving forward. Can you provide me with more information about how to get the information sent to a specific site and what format it will be in?
Many Thanks,
We have a SMT 1700TL and it does not have a web card. Does it not come fitted standard???
I have a pv plant with 10 SB 4000Tl-20 . Is it posible to use webconnect and cluster control with this inverters?
Also a follow up question, can I remotely change inverter settings using Sunny Portal? Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Hi you mentioned in the blog that device firmware is kept upto date with web connect. By that do you mean that if I have webconnect module installed, I can remotely upgrade the firmware of the inverter?
I can remotely upgrade firmware of all sunny tripower inverters using Sunny Portal if I have SMA Cluster Controller installed at site?
I’m currently using Sunny WebBox with RS485 features. The data logging interval been set to 5 minutes. However, I notice that when I download the csv file from webbox it only last for less than 6 days. Is there any other way to retrieve the data log for 7 consecutive days as I will need it for my data recording purpose? Do SMA database keep the data log, if so, could I request for the data?
Thanks 🙂
I have 6 Sunny Boy 7000TL-US-22’s and 6 Sunny Island 6048U’s. They are connected to a webbox behind a 3G firewall (x2) in Africa (I am in the USA). I have no problem uploading the data to the Sunny Portal, but I would like a solution similar to a remote desktop (via a proxy server, like Google Remote Desktop) to allow me to connect direct to the webbox to allow configuration changes to the Sunny Boys and Sunny Islands. Today I can do it, but I need a Laptop at the remote end always online and its slow. Can the webbox be enhanced to allow for a remote desktop type access using a 3rd party proxy server?
i configured my new sma 5000tl inverter, after a two days i need to reconfigured it but i cant access the installer account with the default password, i haven’t changes the password for installer during initial configuration, i’m confused because the user account is working with the default password. what should i do?.
Dear Nick ,
Is it possible to connect an inverter by a 3G router to Sunnyportal , when there is no options in the site for internet connection. There is just an inverter in the site.
I have two 500TL-US Inverters that a >150 feet from my router. It is really not an option for me to move my router and I don’t want to run 150 feet of Cat 5 Cable through my house to get to the inverters. I do get a strong Wi-Fi signal from my router where my inverters are located. Does SMA have a wireless\wi-fi Webconnect solution?
i have a problem with my inverter, i have two(2) inverter in a series internet connection, it’s both connected to the internet but the first inverter(1) wouldn’t upload any data to sunny portal, but the other one are easily uplaod the data to the portal and that inveter(2) is the last to the series connection meaning this inverter(2) is connected to the first inverter(1) that has a problem on uploading data.
I have a SunnyBoy 3000TL-US-22 Inverter. I cannot get daily data (Current Power ans Energy) from the Sunny Portal PV System Overview page to display. I can use Sunny Explorer to see this daily data with the daily graph, etc …. . However, using the Sunny Portal web page I do not get the Current Power (it displays 0 ) and the Daily Energy (it displays only the current months total energy).
I haven’t changed anything in the set up.
The problem keeps randomly happening. Seems it start when Sunny Portal updated their software the last time around the beginning of Nov 2015.
Any ideas what may be happening and how I can fix this?
Hi, I have an SB 5000TL-21 with a webconnect module working correctly with Sunny explorer on bluetooth. With speedwire the plant search fails. The network is configured correctly and firewall has been disconnected. With a manual IP address a ping on the device replies. What could be the next step for a troubleshooting ?
Communication software version 02.62.07.R
My customer is a professor in PV sector. He is trying to setup a system with two different solar panels. He is going to compare those two modules energy output. He would like to know the sample rate from the webbox. Can it build a sample for every minute?
I do own a solar system based on a Sunnyboy SB3000-21TL + Webconnect. Over the past years I have been using the Sunny Explorer to download the data from the Webconnect. Unfortunately Sunny Explorer stopped working recently. After starting of Sunny Explorer, it asks for the usual login info which I provide. After login, it notifies that it cannot download data. Tried to reinstall Sunny Explorer but no success. Installed Sunny Explorer onto another computer in the same network which worked once. After that, same results. Scanning for plants in the network results in “no plants found”. I do notice that the Webconnect is properly logging data and communicating the details to the Sunny portal. That suggests no issues with cabling or network access of the Webconnect module. Any suggestions on how to fix this?
Just to clarify – moving forward (once webboxes are gone) we will no longer be able to use bluetooth/wireless for inverters that are entirely too far from a data connection? We have tons of locations now that rely on that (I know they will be fine using the old webboxes), moving forward we will also have the same issue where running an ethernet cable is just not possible and we rely on bluetooth extenders/repeaters to get the conneciton.
Above it says that Webconnect module does not have Modbus capabilities. However, in technical documentation regarding Modbus communication I found information that Webconnect module paired with STP 20000TL-30 inverter supports Modbus TCP communication. Which of these is correct?
is there’s a way to delete the inverter on sunny portal but remain the data produce.
it is possible to reset the data in sma inverter? i want to reset the data but i don’t know how.
I have a STP 5000TL-20 (v02.52.02.R). We’re running 20 x 280w LG panels. It’s been a great performer.
Being a software developer, I want take advantage of automating various functions within my house based upon the amount of available “unused” power for example and provide integration it with an Arduino Yun and iOS app. You get next to nothing for feed-in rates here in Australia.
Purchasing a RS485 module for Modbus (and then getting an electrician to install) – seems quite an expensive option when I already have access to “speedwire” and bluetooth.
Sunny Explorer communicates fine… Disappointing…
Are there any remote procedure calls, or an API available which I’m just missing that can be used over TCP/IP or UDP?
Rant follows…:
It would be a shame if SMA does not provide such development support. (Without purchasing an additional Webbox). If Sunny Explorer access is secure, an API can also be made to be secure.
I can see future customers being swayed by other inverter brands that support this type of platform functionality. The Internet Of Things (IOT) era on our doorstep demands support for easy integration.
Having to resort to reverse engineering bluetooth or the SMA DATA II+ protocol is time consuming and not an elegant solution.
We will be installing two SB7000TL-US-22 at a farm. The inverters will be at the array and the power going to a barn 200 feet from the array where the main utility feed comes in. The router is located in the main house another 200 feet from the barn or about 400 feet away from the array. We would like to use the Webconnect feature. Is there a third party product to connect wirelessly from the barn to the house to bridge the gap? I am looking for a system that looks like this: Inverter with a Webconnect via a cat5 to the barn with a base station with wireless feature communicating with another base station by the router? The area between the barn and the main house is very nicely manicured, so I am trying not to trench from the barn to the main house.
I am building a farm (5.6MW) using STP20000TL-EE and planning to use a SCADA as required by the grid. I am about to order webconnects and cluster controllers to precisely monitor 5 arrays of 1.25MVA. I am using a proper communication architectural design for my plant? Please advise before I make an expensive purchase. Also, can I utilize fiber optics cables as replacement for the cat5 cables on our Webconnects?
Thank you,
I have a problem with a Sunny Webbox, the a sunny webbox unable to detect the sunny island inverter. I have got 5 device detected (2 sunny boy, 2 windy boy and a sensor box). With this case I unable to configure the sunny island through the webbox.
The question is what happend with the sunny island inverter is that a coms problem or what?
FYI SI16.OH-11
serial number 1261014203
I have a Sunny Boy 4000TL-21 (connected with webconnect).
Is there an API available (like RPC for sunnybox) ?
I would like to read data from it with TCP / HTTP.
Why can I use the bluetooth option to interface between the Sunny Boy and the Sunny Portal on an iMac or and iPad or a iPhone.
don’t need the added expense of purchasing a Webconnect item and hardwiring by cable it to my internet data point.
Advise please…….John
Can i add new inverter in exixsting plant in sunny portal?.
Hi, I recently contracted to have a system installed at my house and will be receiving the SMA sb7000TL-US-22 inverter. At the time of ordering it was unknown that that I could have the WebConnect preinstalled on my inverter. My question is, if I self install the WebConnect at a later date, will that void the warranty of the inverter; do I have to have a professional install WebConnectto maintain the warranty?
Can you share the protocol required to access data from a Webconnect card? With the WebBox, data can be accessed via FTP, but that is not available for Webconnect installations. In either case, it would seem that a simple API to SunnyPortal would be the most optimized solution.
SMA is seriously behind the curve on this… just look at what SolarEdge, Enphase, and Fronius are doing with data access, along with any number of 3rd party monitoring services. Please reconsider your policies against data sharing.
If I have two inverters being used for my 11kW residential system.. would I need two webconnect cards installed.. one for each inverter, or can they daisy-chain in such a way that one card in one inverter can supply information for the system as a whole?
I have a Sensorbox that’s failing to connect to Webbox via Bluetooth Power Injector. It has been working for over a year now but recently stopped working. The device’s status in Webbox is “Not logged in”.
The Com LED on Bluetooth Power Injector blinks, indicates that it is communicating with the Sensorbox. The Sensorbox status LED has quick short blinks (2 blinks, gap, followed by 6 blinks)
Can you tell me what this pattern means?
I’m designing a 10 kW system with two, 5000TL-US-22 inverters. My home computers are Macintosh, on a local area Wi-Fi network. What data logging system is compatible with my Apple computers? I can also string ethernet cable from the inverters to my DSL modem or Wi-Fi router box. Thanks, Bob
I am adding a two bluetooth piggy back cards to two SWR2500U inverter, do I need a bluetooth webbox for data logging? or I can just read them from computer with sunny explorer?
He was, I find a manual for WebConnect vs. WebBox
whether to attach it to a bashes it must have an IP adres (192.168. *. *) so hor enables access to cokfigurera it.
(Forgive my for bad english)
Hi, I’m a solar installer and I was wondering if I a single inverter can send data to several sunny portal accounts via webconnect.
What I would like to achieve is the customers to be able to access their own plant, while I am able to oversee every plant via my sunny portal account.
Heya just wanted to give you a quick heads up and let you know a few of the pictures aren’t loading properly. I’m not sure why but I think its a linking issue. I’ve tried it in two different web browsers and both show the same results.
Thanks Justin but I’m looking for the specific data provided by both systems.
I like Webconnect for it’ simplicity and ease of use. But I don’t know if I would use the extra data provided by WebBox?
For example would I be able to calculate how much power I’m sending to my utility provider and compare that with what they are billing me with either system?
Would I be able to monitor each panel in the strings?
I need more information to make a decision.
Thanks Justin
Where can I find the technical differences between the two systems?
That webbox is pretty expensive.
Does the Webconnect not store data, only show daily totals?
I’ve just finished installing my PV system with the SMA SB 7000 us inverter. I want to monitor production and but haven’t been able to decide which system is best for my needs, Webconnect or Webbox. I prefer to access the information via the internet from anywhere with my cellphone. I am not sure which firmware I have either. Where can I find that information?
I have a webbox with SMA DM-485CB-US-10 Module. Everything works fine form home, but have hard time getting it registered on SunnyPortal since it keeps asking PIC and RID, which does not look like they come on this module. When I login to the SunnyWebBo there is a plantidentifier that seems relevant to registration, but can’t find a way to put it somewhere on SunnyPortal. Any hints?
I have 2 – SB 4000TL-US-22 inverters just got online 40 days ago
I’d like to monitor them
What do I need to do this?
I am trying to implement the Real Time Monitoring with SMA . I am being told by comms SMA de that the Bluetooth package does not have the relevant MODUS application. Currently my WEBBOX is running Bluetooth 01.02.12R which is an old version. I have tried to upgrade the Webbox and the relevant inverters to the 02 series. via the sunny utility. It does not take. The system acknowledges the download but does not rpt not upgrade.
1. Is there a module that can be retrofitted to the webbox to enable the new rev level of Bluetooth with the MODUS application
2. I have also tried to upgrade the inverters Bluetooth component and it is stuck on the old rev level
3. Recently I have had to replace a Bluetooth card direct from de the replacement card was a success but it has reverted to the 01.02.12.R level.
Is there anyway that I can get the WEBBox to support MODUS with a new Bluetooth component change or otherwise
I have a Sunny Webbox BT talking to 2 of your inverters, but am considering using the Sunnyboy 240 microinverters with the multigate for one array of my panels. Will the multigate connect to the Webbox? Thanks
Is it just me or has Webbox a problem with Modbus data from SI 8.0? Nothing from the SI shows in the “Modbus” on Webbox or polling the Webbox. It does show my three Tripowers.
Good afternoon,
Our company bought a few drives here in BRAZIL and dificundade we are doing the tests with the inverters and CLUSTER. The model inversore and STP 5000 TL-20, and have the cluster controller revision, the doubts we would like to communicate with the cluster because I have entered in the webpage and I configured the IP to be used and the server modbus tcp this on I am using to test the communication modScan-32, I’m using the records of the manual, which would be the more ID inverters to be used as this I do not see him anywhere, because the manual says that they are the number 3 forward.
I look retor…………
Buenas tardes
tengo problemas con dos inversores tripower de 20 K,
en ambos tengo instalado el webconnect
pero no puedo darlos de alta para monitorear a distancia
me falla en el ultimo paso
quien me puede ayudar por favor
My 5 kW solar panel system was just installed using a 5000TL-US inverter w/ a WebConnect module. Everything is working great but… I’m trying to write a linux application to grab data from the web connect module and I can’t find any information on the communication protocol. I’ve found several projects that have tried to reverse engineer it with varying amounts of success but they still have a lot of unknowns.
It would be extremely helpful if you would make the WebConnect message protocol specification available so people can use their linux machines (or other custom software) to access the data that’s available.
I have small solar plant of 8kW. I want to control my inverter by my home Modbus network. Is any cheeper solution to connect inverter to Modbus network or only to use Sunny WEBBox?
Thank you and best regards!
I have a 3 year old SB3800 with a Bluetooth piggyback card fitted connected to a Sunnybeam display. I’ve just bought a Bluetooth Webbox but can’t sem to connect it to the inverter. Do I need a new piggyback card such as a webconnect?
I have a Sunny Webbox. Our data usage has gone up expending a huge amount of data and our monthly data usage has quadrupled. They are saying that the PUSH service is not the issue stating:
“With regard to the data received (IP addresses and download data) the following:
• The IP addresses is not for the webbox, but rather for internal use (gateways).
• The downloading time for the sunny webbox will not be longer than 15min.”
Yet I see Melissa has her own update above. I am non-technical so if you could explain to me in laymans terms that would be appreciated.
BTW, Justin, the Sunny Explorer is not available for download at this moment.
Hi! We installed recently a Webconnect to a SB4000 inverter. We used to install the Webbox units before and we had the ability to tweak the inverter by changing parameters remotely and now we cannot find a single way to do the same with the Webconnect.
Can anyone tell me how to do that with the Webconnect, if possible? Thanks!
My Network PC is protected by firewall, what port´s are necestary to open for register webconect into Sunny Portal?
How do I confirm that the Webconnect will be compatible with an older Sunny Boy 6000? Installed mid 2011.
I’m having difficulty determining whether the Webconnect system is compatible with the Sunny Boy 5000US-12 series inverter. The Speedwire Piggyback data module seems to be, but the Webconnect doesn’t list it as “supported”. Thanks for any info.
Dear SMA,
I really love this new WebConnect interface. We can offer free web monitoring without using additional webbox. (For some models). I hope that it will be better if there were a locking mechanism at the connection. I found that, the RJ45 connector get easily loosed due to other reasons.
Dear Sirs,
My colleagues and I have a few small plants to 30kW in Croatia, we would like the same work remotely monitor their work, whether you are able to offer some other solution except the Web box that is too expensive for small power plants.
Example: power 30kW, 2xSMA15000TL10
If I take one WEBCONNECT, is it enough, and inverters that communicate via Bluetooth?
Best Regards
Hi, how to integrate Zipp & Zonen pyranometer into external solar irradiation (Sunny sensorBox). I’ve attached this pyranometer, but in sunny Webbox, value for external irradiation still be zero.
can you please help me out urgently!where can i find the PIC and RID number of a web box?? I have been handed a project where this has already been installed and need these to connect to the sunny portal…but i cant see these codes anywhere, …
Dear writer,
We love to implement the webonnect interface, but we’re having more and more problems with connections that just stop. Is it possible to reset anything? We’re having these problems the most with SMA STP’s. Any solutions?
What is the logging or polling interval on the Sunny Multigate, Webbox or Webconnect i.e. how often do they update their data?
Hi Cris,
The RS-485 card will be used in the classic Sunny Boys for WebBox use. The Webconnect module is the communication interface and therefore you do not need to use the former card. The Webconnect module is connected directly to the customer’s router.
However, there is an RS-485 Module that can be used in the new TL-22 so that a WebBox can be used with that model of inverter if more data logging information is required. There will be a Webconnect Module available for the classic Sunny Boys soon.
One thing not mentioned is you need a com card for the Webbox and you don’t need one for the web connect, is that correct?