Register for Our Upcoming Residential Energy Storage Webinar

On Thursday, October 12, SMA will be hosting a Solar Power World webinar on residential energy storage and the future of home energy management.
Many storage products have recently emerged, but installers must evaluate a variety of factors in order to select what’s best for their bottom line as well as what’s best for the homeowner. In this webinar, we’ll explore a revolutionary new storage solution that’s the superior choice for distributors, installers and homeowners alike.
Register today and learn:
- Which markets present the low hanging fruit for storage sales.
- How to leverage your existing customer base and open up a lucrative new revenue stream.
- What factors should be evaluated when selecting a storage solution.
- How flexibility in system design and battery compatibility can dramatically increase your bottom line.
- Why AC coupling is by far the superior solution versus DC coupling.
Looking to sma ac:dc coupling solution