Get it while it lasts — Free Sunny Boy 240-US Module-Level Monitoring for Life!

Module-level monitoring offers users the most granular reporting possible – and now SMA is offering it at no cost for the life of new Sunny Boy 240-US systems purchased throughout the remainder of 2014. The monitoring package is exclusive to micro inverter and Multigate packages and the system must be purchased by December 31, 2014.
Module-level monitoring is an attractive option – and a compelling reason to buy — for prospective system owners and there is no better way to take advantage of these system monitoring capabilities than through Sunny Portal. According to Greentech Media’s most recent report on the PV monitoring landscape, the Sunny Portal monitoring platform is the largest web-based PV solar monitoring system, tracking production data for more than 170,000 systems globally and more than 100 terawatt hours of clean, solar energy.
Module-level monitoring through the Sunny Portal yields unrivaled levels of customized data while providing a granular look at system performance allowing for a swift correction should there be an issue with an individual panel. While other manufacturers charge more than $250 for module-level monitoring capabilities, SMA will include it free for a limited time, allowing installers the flexibility to pass on the savings.
Free module-level monitoring for the life of the Sunny Boy 240-US system is just another benefit for installers choosing SMA micro inverters for their customers. And, increased communication reliability via the Sunny Multigate ensures trouble-free setup, accurate monitoring and seamless connectivity, all without the need for additional filters or service call backs.
Hello Justin,
I have seen that most of top brand inverter/micro electronics manufacturers offer module temperature monitoring. What is the value of monitoring it? Does the MPPT benefits from temperaure online measurements? Or temperature parameter settings?
May be it is a doubt for a more technical person, if so, please forward it.
Thanks Much.