Service Tip: When Do I Need PIC and RID for the Sunny Portal?

Via our comments function, we frequently receive questions about registering in Sunny Portal and entering the product identification code (PIC) and the registration identifier (RID).
Important: The PIC and RID are required only if you own a system with Webconnect technology or with a Sunny Home Manager. You can find out how to register your system in Sunny Portal in this post. If you have another communication product, such as a Sunny WebBox or a Cluster Controller, you will not be required to enter a PIC or RID. With the Sunny WebBox and the SMA Cluster Controller, you can register the devices in Sunny Portal directly via the web interface. Further information can be found in the user manual.
Using the Sunny Portal app
Some customers have told us that they cannot get the Sunny Portal app to work and have requested a password to use it. Please note: To be able to use the Sunny Portal app, the system must already be registered in the Sunny Portal. You can then use the same login details for the app. Further information about the app can be found here.
I got sunny boy SB 5000TL-21. The display screen shows Varistor defective.
Is it fault in the inverter?
Hello Balbir,
Sorry for the delayed response.
For further support please get back to your regional SMA Service Team or your local installer.
Best regards
Hi I have a Sunny Boy SB 5000TL-21 can I get web connect as I can’t find a PIC or RID number?
Hi Darryl,
Please contact my service colleagues via our online service center.
Sunny regards
I have a sunny tripower but neither rid nor pic on it.i need remote access to my PV line pls.
Hi Tavana,
Please contact your installer or sign in on our Online Service Center.
Sunny regards,
Hi, I have 2 sunny boy 5.0 connected to home manager 2.0
besides the 2 5.0’s I also have an SB 5000 TL – 21 which I just got updated to the latest software version.
My installer informed me that with the latest update, this inverter was to be found in home manager, but unfortunately this is not the case. I tried to add the system in sunny portal but I don’t have a PIC and a RID. in the portal its mentioned that the serial number and registration ID would also be ok to add the device, but I don’t know where to find the Registration ID, can you help me with that please?
Hi Carolyn, my SB3000HF-30 does not have a PIC or RID on the label. I assumed it wasn’t possible to use the portal. If it is, where can I find out, as the installation company no longer exists.
Hi Nick,
Due to the “old” Sunny Boy inverter please contact our Service Line directly for help.
Sunny regards,
I currently query by SB3000HF-30 with a Sunny Beam bluetooth monitor. I was expecting to be able to access the inverter by bluetooth on my phone but I can’t see a way to do it. Is it in fact technically possible?
Best regards,
Hi Nick,
If you want to monitor your system via your mobile phone you can use our Sunny Portal.
Sunny regards,
I have a Solar Plant SMA Inverter Manager Model:IM-20. Can I register it in sunny portal? Where can I found PIC & RID?
Hi Arafat,
Please tell me the productname.
Sunny regards,
Hi Carolyn,
ProductName: Sunny Tripower 60
Hi Arafat,
Please sign in on our Service Line for help.
Sunny regards,
i have no idea how to know PIC and RID number so please help me and how to get deta from inverter in laptop ?????? please help me without PIC AND RID
There is no possibility to use the Sunny Portal without PIC and RID. Please sign in on our Service Line.
Sunny regards,
Unfortunately I have lost PIC and RID number, how can I retrive it? Kindly reply…
Asim Aslam
Hello Asim,
Please sign in on our Online Service Center.
Sunny regards,
The link to the online service center doesn’t let anyone with a system in the USA register. There is no dropdown for America, United States of America, or USA. How do I register for support?
Hi Harvey,
Please click here to get in touch with the US Service.
Kind regards, Anke
Your technical support registration page
does not have a dropdown for the country USA. How do I register for a system installed in the usa?
Hi Carolyn, my Sunny Boy 3800 has a 485i module which is connected to a Locus LGate 120 meter. Unfortunately my installer has gone bankrupt. Is it possible to register my system to the SMA portal so I can do monitoring?
THanks for your help.
Hello, i have a SB4.0 and he indicates that webconnect is “ok”.
But when go to the sunnyportal and fill in the correct PIC and RID he can’t find the device.
What can it be?
Gr. Ruud
It is not possible to do a remote diagnosis. Please contact an IT expert or your installer for help.
Sunny regards,
i have a inverter manager hoked to 16 stp 60 inverters
but when i wanto to set upo a sunny portal for this system ask for a PIC and a Rid
and there is no information about it can knows wher can i get this
Hi Ricardo,
Please contact yout installer for help, he knows your system the beste. If he is not able to help feel free to sign in on our Online Service Center.
Sunny regards
Do i have webconnect?
3600 tl21
I have a SMA INVERTER MANAGER IM-10 from Brazil that I’m trying to add to the sunny portal. The label doesn’t have the PIC or RID on it. Is there another way to determine this information?
I have an SB 1700 inverter and a Sunny Beam reader (firmware version 1.00.7.R). I have about 5 years worth of data (system installed in UK at latitude 52 deg N 2.5 deg W in February 2012). Is there any way I can register my system with you and upload the CSV data from the Sunny Beam? I do not want the system to be connected to the web, but I’m prepared to update this information periodically. Thank you.
Hi Steve,
for your individual request please contact our online-service-center.
Our colleagues will contact you.
Best regards,
i have a Sunny Boy 3000 and i don’t find the pic and rid codes,
However i have a com card with a com bounds, the Eeprom firmware is : “SBGR BFR2,8 SRR 2.8”
Could you tell me if is possible to me to have webconnect ?
Best regards Stéphane
Hello Stéphane,
Unfortunately, this inverter doesn’t have WebConnect and therefore doesn’t have a PIC and RID number too. We can also offer no retrofit kit for this device.
Kind Regards, Carolin
I have a SI 3.0M-11 from Germany that I’m trying to add to my sunny portal. The label doesn’t have the PIC or RID on it. Is there another way to determine this information?
Hello Adam,
the SI has no PIC and RID. Therefore it is not possible to add the SI in a webconnect system in the portal. You need depending on whether you have an OnGird or OffGird system a Homemanger or a ClusterController. Please turn to your installer who will be able to advise you about your installation.
Kind regards,
Hi I have the SB4000tl-20 inverter fitted in 2010 and still working very well. My label has no PIC or RID as i am trying to get the unit on line. Is this inverter a type that can be put onto the net i wonder. Are you able to send update links for the software and connection instructions. Many thanks Simon
Hello Simon,
without a serial number it’s hard to tell, if a webconnect modul is installed. It’s best to contact our colleagues via Online Service Center at
Sunny regards!
Hi Sarah
Sorry to bother you, but just a quick question. My display panel’s backlight is on all the time, which I don’t want. How can I turn it off? My neighbour, who had his put in at the same time as me, has his off, which is how I know that on is not the default setting.
Unfortunately, I can’t use Sunny Explorer with my Android or IOS devices, maybe that’s the problem?
Thank you
Hi Patrick,
No problem 😉
Please contact our Service Line via:
My colleagues would be happy to help.
Best regards