Claiming your SolarCoins on Sunny Portal

[18 October 2023 – Further information after migration]: As we are still receiving many comments regarding the migration, please check our post describing the details. Here you will more information regarding this topic.

[10 November, 2021 – Update Exchange platform after migration]: Soon you will be able to find out about the current course on a new Exchange platform. We will then provide you with the current link here.

[May 27, 2021 – Update SolarCoin Migration]: After a successful move, SolarCoin Foundation’s SolarCoins are now available on the Energy Web Foundation (EWF) blockchain. We will report on the most important changes here on the blog in a timely manner. Sunny Portal users who have not yet provided a wallet ID can continue to use the SolarCoins without restrictions. Please note the following: When applying for SolarCoins via Sunny Portal, no valid wallet ID from the new blockchain can be specified, as the corresponding field must remain empty.

[June 28, 2019 update: SolarCoin now also available for WebBox systems]: Operators and owners of PV plants connected via Webconnect, Sunny Home Manager or Sunny WebBox to Sunny Portal can now get an additional reward for their produced clean energy. With only a few clicks you get access to SolarCoin, the first energy-referenced currency.

What is SolarCoin?

SolarCoin, a blockchain-based crypto currency, was developed with a view to accelerating the energy transition. Like the networks for other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, the SolarCoin network is global and decentralized. In this case, however, the payout of SolarCoins is linked to a meaningful, cost-effective and environmentally friendly incentive: the generation of solar power.

SolarCoin is an open community project that was initiated in 2014 by founders of the SolarCoin Foundation and a group of volunteers. The SolarCoin Foundation rewards solar power generation by issuing blockchain-based digital tokens. One SolarCoin (SLR) is issued for each megawatt hour (MWh) of verified solar power production.

The SolarCoin reward is an additional bonus to existing incentive programs and is independent of other feed-in tariffs in place for solar power producers. Anyone who generates solar power and, as a result, avoids generating CO2 emissions in the long run can earn SolarCoins.

How can SolarCoins be claimed through Sunny Portal?

Through Sunny Portal it’s incredibly easy to claim your SolarCoins because you don’t need to submit all the documentation typically required for registration to provide evidence of the PV system’s ownership status, technical data, power generation capacity and identity. If you have one or more PV systems with a system capacity of up to 150 kWp registered in Sunny Portal and want to claim SolarCoins, just log in to with your e-mail address and password. To register your PV system for the SolarCoin program, you need admin rights for your system. If you don’t have them yet, please ask your installer.
Once you are logged-in, open “PV system properties” in the “configuration” part of the menu on the left side of your screen. To ensure the Foundation can perform data matching, please provide your complete system data. In some countries, the field “Country code” is somewhat confusing. It must also be filled in, so please enter for example the state, your district, department or country. On the next screen go to the tab “Data releases” to the right:

On the “Data releases” page, click the “Edit” button to change the settings and then check the “Consent to participate in the SolarCoin program” box:

Agree to the terms and conditions displayed and don’t forget to click on the “Save” button afterwards:

Now, the SolarCoin tile will appear in your PV system overview. After the status on the tile shows “SolarCoinApproved”, it might still take some time until you receive your first SolarCoins as the SolarCoin Foundation will need time to complete transfer of the coins. After that, your credit balance will be updated at regular intervals (depending on the size of the system the interval can be several months). If you register your system via Sunny Portal, you don´t need to register the system separately with the SolarCoin Foundation or the SolarCoin Explorer. Duplicate registration will prevent you from participating in the SolarCoin program.
A digital SolarCoin “wallet” is no longer required to submit a claim. The SolarCoin Foundation will manage users’ SolarCoins until they decide to redeem them.

By the way: SolarCoins are awarded retroactively for up to five years from the date of registration. Since April 2019, the interval for crediting your SolarCoins has been shortened from every six month to monthly. Get the current SolarCoin price here.

How can SolarCoins be used?

SolarCoins can be traded for conventional (fiat) currency on all major exchange portals. SolarCoins are an increasingly liquid valuable that can be paid out and tracked transparently. They are kept in digital wallets, can be managed on computers or mobile devices and can even be stored offline in paper form (paper wallet). The SolarCoin community is constantly evaluating use cases and business models for SolarCoin users.

If the project is successful and the demand for and price of SolarCoins rises, the digital incentive will increasingly represent an ever more significant share of a solar power producer’s revenues. Solar power can be sold or used as normal, with SolarCoin acting as an added bonus.

Solar industry companies are also encouraged to accept SolarCoins as a means of payment for their goods and services at the current exchange rate, which is listed on all well-known portals. At SMA, we are also exploring possibilities to make further use of SolarCoins, for example by providing additional services that can be paid for using SolarCoins.

Does the creation of SolarCoins use a lot of energy?

If users decide to use SolarCoins as a means of payment, they are making a conscious effort to prioritize environmental protection as the basis of their business activities. The SolarCoin blockchain uses an energy-efficient, proof-of-stake algorithm, which consumes 0.001% of the energy required by Bitcoin.

If you want to find out more about SolarCoin please contact:


4.2/5 - (58 votes)
  1. Evert
    Evert says:


    I understood that with the new portal we can no longer get SolarCoin.
    Did try to get them but I still have 0 and the status: SolarCoinApproved.
    But I can no longer access the settings to add a wallet to the portal. And in the new portal it is also not showing the setting.

    Thank you in advance, Evert

  2. Jan
    Jan says:

    I want to transfer the SolarCoin I already have from my Sunny Portal custodial account to my own Metamask wallet. How can I do this?
    After the transfer I will fill in my Metamask wallet id in Sunny Portal so that future coins will automatically be added to my wallet.
    Thank you!

    • Christiane Keim
      Christiane Keim says:

      Hello Jan,

      There are some changes after the migration of SolarCoin.
      Please follow the steps described here.
      In case you need any further assistance, please get back to us.

      Sunny regards

      • Jan
        Jan says:

        Hi, thank you for your reply.
        I am not really sure I understand how to proceed.
        If I logon to my SunnyPortal I see that I currently have 10,955 SLR. In the configuration of the Data releases I have not specified a wallet ID at this time. So I assume these 10,955 SLR are currently stored on an SMA Sunny Portal custodial account.
        I have now setup a Metamask wallet for the EnergyWebChain.
        So, my question is, how can I transfer the 10,955 SLR from the SMA custodial account to my Metamask wallet?
        Thank you.

      • Christiane Keim
        Christiane Keim says:

        Hello Jan,

        Normally, the wallet is entered in the portal settings. As no entry was presumably made in the case described, the Foundation holds a “custodial account”. SMA is not involved here in any way. If the wallet is entered, a benchmark notification is sent to the Solarcoin server, which should then carry out the transfer after some time. Please contact the Foundation directly for further clarification.

        Sunny regards

  3. ahmet Bağtur
    ahmet Bağtur says:

    merhaba bende solar coin geçiş yapmak istedim . Metamask cüzdan oluşturdum . SMA sayfasında SLR ”Statü: SolarCoinPending ” bu şekilde yazıyor hiç hareket yok . Acaba yanlış bir kimlik mi ekledim yardımcı olurmusunuz. Günlük enerji üretimim 210 KW…

    • Christiane Keim
      Christiane Keim says:

      Hallo Ahmet,

      die Meldung „Solarcoin pending“ ist vollkommen normal: Nachdem ein „Claim“ gestellt wurde und bei der Solarcoin Foundation eingegangen ist, bleibt der Zustand solange „pending“, bis die Prüfung durch die Solarcoin-Foundation abgeschlossen ist. Nach erfolgreicher Prüfung erhältst du die Meldung „SolarCoin approved“.

      Mehr zur Migration der SolarCoins und den Änderungen gibt’s hier im Beitrag.

      Sonnige Grüße

  4. Tiasha
    Tiasha says:

    Hi SMA,
    I have had a SolarCoin wallet active since 2017, however I had not added the wallet ID to my SunnyPortal account until today. I was aware of a few coins which had accumulated in my wallet. At present, the SolarCoins tile on SunnyPortal shows 0.0000 SLR. Is this normal and some is needed for updating of the wallet? Or has something got reset in some way and I now have no coins left in my wallet?


    • Christiane Keim
      Christiane Keim says:

      Hello Tiasha,

      Please note that due to the migration of SolarCoin some changes have occured.
      You will find more information here.

      Sunny regards

  5. Jasper vd Rijdt
    Jasper vd Rijdt says:


    I have the SolarCoin tile available and have been generating coins for some time already. How can I now move the coins to a wallet or exchange to be able to use my coins? Right now all I have is the tile in the portal with the number of coins.

    Thank you.
    Kind regards,

    • SMA Solar
      SMA Solar says:

      Hello Jasper,

      have you already checked this article and followed it’s steps? There you find contacts for further help, if needed also.

      Sunny regards!

  6. M.Bernardi
    M.Bernardi says:

    Please, help me,

    I want to join solarcoin project but I’m not able.
    Solarcoin support doesn’t answer me and I’m still not able to get active the option in the Sunny Portal section, if not reported a wallet ID it doesn’t activate.
    I’ve an account on Binance platform, but they tell me that solar coin is not available there, is that true?
    If yes, how can then get a wallet to manage that crypto and to be able to manage the subscription in Sunny Portal?
    My plant is installed in Italy.
    Thank you for your support.
    Best regards.


    • Christiane Keim
      Christiane Keim says:

      Hello M.Bernardi,

      Please check carefully whether you have followed the registration process described in this article (also considering the update in the beginning).
      Regarding the migration of SolarCoin and the changes for the users, please check this article.
      In case you need further assistance, please get back anytime.

      Sunny regards

  7. Olaf Davidsmeyer
    Olaf Davidsmeyer says:

    Sehr geehrte Frau Keim,

    ich beziehe mich auf meinen Post vom 07.05.21 auf den Sie freundlicherweise geantwortet haben. Bis heute – nach etwa einem Jahr – sehe ich keinen einzigen SolarCoin auf meinen mittlerweile zwei Anlagen (installiert Feb./März ’21), obwohl der Status bei beiden “SolarCoinApproved” besteht. Gehen Sie davon aus, dass dies immer noch mit der Migration zusammenhängt, oder gehen Sie von einer anderen Ursache aus? Vielen Dank.

    Den ursprüngliche Post habe ich nochmals kopiert.

    Viele Grüße,
    Olaf Davidsmeyer

    “Olaf Davidsmeyer
    7. May. 2021 at 14:11
    ich habe meine Anlage Anfang Februar 2021 in Betrieb genommen und alsbald den SolarCoin “classic” eingerichtet und die Wallet ID in der Konfiguration hinterlegt. Der Status steht auf “approved” (bisher) habe ich bei rd 3.000KWh noch keinen SolarCoin erhalten. Kürzlich habe ich gelernt das eine Migration von SCC zu Ethereum basierten Wallets/Coins vollzogen wurde. Diese Migration habe ich erfolgreich durchgeführt und verwalte das ganze wie empfohlen mit Metamask. Nun meine Frage:
    Muss ich die Wallet ID in der Datenfreigabe der Konfiguration im Portal ebenfalls anpassen, damit die Coins gutgeschrieben werden, oder bleibt die vorherige ID erhalten? Mir scheint die ID ist nicht änderbar.
    Vielen Dank und Grüße,
    Olaf Davidsmeyer

    Christiane Keim
    Christiane Keim
    12. May. 2021 at 16:04
    Hallo Herr Davidsmeyer,

    wenn die Migration erfolgreich und wie in den Anleitungen beschrieben durchgeführt wurde, besteht kein weiterer Handlungsbedarf.
    Die walletID im Portal soll nicht geändert werden. Durch die Migration haben sich auch die „Überweisungen“ von Solarcoins verzögert.
    Außerdem gibt es aktuell noch Anzeigeprobleme im Sunny Portal, die nicht durch SMA behoben werden können.
    Die erforderlichen Anpassungen werden noch umgesetzt und dann sollte auch im Sunny Portal der richtige „Kontostand“ wieder angezeigt werden.

    Beste Grüße
    C. Keim”

    • SMA Solar
      SMA Solar says:

      Sehr geehrter Herr Davidsmeyer,

      nach eingehender Prüfung können wir von unserer Seite leider nichts Weiteres für Sie tun. Es ist in der Tat sehr merkwürdig, dass Ihr Status bereits auf „approved“ steht. Bitte wenden Sie sich damit am besten direkt per Mail an den Solarcoin-Support:

      Sonnige Grüße!

  8. Dave Hulpiau
    Dave Hulpiau says:

    I tried different ways to activate my solarcoin wallet.
    Created a new one on metamask, but it keeps getting rejected.
    I assume because I tried different wallets for the same plant.
    I have send a request via mail to them, but now for 2 weeks, still no answer.
    Do you know how long it takes for them to respond normally?
    Thx for helping out.

    • Christiane Keim
      Christiane Keim says:

      Hello Dave,

      Due to the migration, it may take some time before you get a feedback from SolarCoin.
      Please check our blog post here for detailed information on the changes due to the migration.
      Hopefully it is helpful to you.

      Sunny regards

  9. Matheus De Oliveira Lopes Caralho
    Matheus De Oliveira Lopes Caralho says:

    Olá, sou do Brasil e estou tendo o seguinte problema, esta aparecendo essa mensagem na minha carteira ” SolarCoinPending” oq pode ser que esteja acontecendo?

  10. Johnny Gailey
    Johnny Gailey says:

    After connecting my wallet and receiving initial payout of .001 SLR there has ben no activity for 5 months.
    How long does it take for new Solarcoins to get added to my wallet?
    Wallet address:

    • Christiane Keim
      Christiane Keim says:

      Hello Johnny,

      Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
      Due to the migration to the new blockchain, it may take some time before you get a feedback.
      In case you need further assistance regarding the migration and the changes, you may check you latest blog post here.

      Please contact us in case you need any further help.

      Sunny regards

  11. Benjamin Zaß
    Benjamin Zaß says:

    Hello Christiane,

    since 2019 I am earning SLR and I see my coins growing in the SunnyPortal.
    Now I heard that the SLR has switched the block chain and I created a metamask wallet (according to the instruction of the solarcoin page.

    But when I try to add my wallet ID to the sunny portal, I get the same error message “Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (InternalServerError)”.
    And another wallet ID remain in the field.

    Not I have three questions.
    1. Are my coins in the sunny portal or in this old wallet ID?
    2. How can I register my new wallet ID?
    3. I created a new claim on the solarcoin page. Does this conflict with the sunny portal?

    I am located in Germany.

    Best regards

    • Christiane Keim
      Christiane Keim says:

      Hello Benjamin,

      As announced, we got back to our in the German section of our Blog.

      Sunny regards

  12. Seb V
    Seb V says:


    When entering my Wallet address, I receive the error “Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (InternalServerError)”. How should I proceed?


    • Christiane Keim
      Christiane Keim says:

      Hello Seb V,

      We were able to clarify this error directly with the SolarCoin Foundation.
      The Solarcoin Foundation made all necessary corrections.
      So it should work out now, please try again and verify whether all of your additional entries are correct.

      Sunny regards

  13. Benoit Stofleth
    Benoit Stofleth says:


    Each time I’m trying to provide my new metamask Wallet-Id, I’m receiving following error :
    “Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (InternalServerError)”

    Could you please assist me in this matter ?

    Thank you.

    • Christiane Keim
      Christiane Keim says:

      Hello Benoit,

      We were able to clarify this error directly with the SolarCoin Foundation.
      The Solarcoin Foundation made the necessary corrections.
      So it should work out now, please try again.

      Sunny regards

      • Benoit Stofleth
        Benoit Stofleth says:

        Hi Christiane,

        I tried again but I’m still getting the same error message.
        “Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (InternalServerError)”

        Would it be linked to the fact I previously agreed on data exchange with my old wallet id (the one on solarcoin blockchain) ?


      • Benoit Stofleth
        Benoit Stofleth says:

        Hi Christiane,

        I just retried today and worked ! 🙂
        Many thanks for your help.


      • Christiane Keim
        Christiane Keim says:

        Hello Benoit,

        Thank you for your feedback – good to hear that it is working now!

        Sunny regards

  14. George
    George says:

    I have been signed up for a while now, about a year I think. My PV System Overview had been showing I had accumulated approximately 81 SLR. My SolarCoin Wallet never showed anything. I’m not sure if this number of SLR Sunny Portal shows, is actually transmitted to my wallet or not? In the last few days I went through the migration process per their directions. I have now converted my wallet and it’s still not showing my SLR. SolarCoin support said sometimes the balance does not get automatically migrated. Since I never saw my balance in the SolarCoin wallet, I’m not sure if SMA ever credited my wallet. I have checked my Wallet address with my Sunny Portal and everything matches. I have not changed my Sunny Portal settings at all, I read the old wallet will still credit my earnings to the new wallet after I convert. Today, looking at my Sunny Portal Overview I see my Solar Coin section is now blank. My SLR is no longer there? Is that because I migrated my wallet? Can something please explain what’s going on with this program? Thanks!

    • Christiane Keim
      Christiane Keim says:

      Hello George,

      We need more technical information for further support.
      For that reason, we will contact you directly.

      Sunny regards

  15. Jan Hattuma
    Jan Hattuma says:

    Because of the migration from the solarcoin blockchain to the EWF blockchain I tried to update my wallet address in the Sunny Portal (in the data releases section). I propably unsubscribed and tried to fill in my new wallet ID (Wallet public address), but this fails saying : ” Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (ValidationError)” I get the same error when I leave the wallet ID empty. Please advise.

    • Christiane Keim
      Christiane Keim says:

      Hello Jan,

      There are different reasons for this, which in the broadest sense are related to interface problems between the systems of SMA and Solarcoin. We are currently working on a joint solution and therefore ask you for a little patience – thank you!

      Sunny regards

  16. Konrad
    Konrad says:

    Hi Christine,
    From some months my portal says Status: SolarCoinApproved. However I have the balance of 0 despite my panels were able to produce some number of MWh of energy. I have not registered anywhere except providing my ETH wallet number in the sunnyportal settings page. When can I see some solarcoins on my sunnyportal page or in my ETH wallet 🙂 ETH is expenmsive now so would be nice 🙂

    • Christiane Keim
      Christiane Keim says:

      Hello Konrad,

      Due to the migration, the “transfers” had been delayed during the transition period.
      In addition, the “Account balances” were not displayed in Sunny Portal in some cases. These restrictions should no longer occur as the adjustments have been made.
      So therefore everything should work out fine after you have registered successfully.

      Sunny regards

      • Konrad
        Konrad says:

        In that case something is wrong. I have not registered anywhere except approving data transfers on sunnyportal. I’ve understood from main page here I should not worry about registering on the SolarCoin foundation. My status says SolarCoin Approved. So not sure what can be wrong? My balance still shows 0 and I have not received any coins.

      • Christiane Keim
        Christiane Keim says:

        Hello Konrad,

        Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
        Do problems described still occur? Just to make sure that there are no misunderstandings: Have you registered to participate in the SolarCoin program? That’s different to approve data transfer on sunynyportal.

        Sunny regards

  17. Mirko S.
    Mirko S. says:

    Hello, I am contacting you concerning the Claim SolarCoin program, integrated in the SMA products. After the migration to the Energy Chain ETH, the data enable form of SMA Sunny Portal does not accept the new Wallet. I have contacted SMA Service, but they have not resolved my case. Request number 406036462.

    Thank you and have a nice day

    • Christiane Keim
      Christiane Keim says:

      Hello Mirko,

      Sorry for getting back to you delayed.
      The error message described seems to be also based on the changeover and is due to the changed format of the Wallet ID. If the “old” wallet ID is still displayed, but you can see the correct account balance, there is no need for a change. The display will be changed as part of further adjustments and should soon show the correct ID.

      Hopefully this delayed feedback was helpful 😉

      Sunny regards

  18. David
    David says:

    I am in the US, I used to have my SMA portal working (before migration). I removed my wallet a while ago and was waiting till the backend work on SMA was done. When I add my my new Meta Mask walled ID into SMA I get this message “Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (ValidationError)” Any help would be appreciated. thanks

    • Christiane Keim
      Christiane Keim says:

      Hello David,

      This error message may be is due to different causes. In the broadest sense it is related to interface problems between the systems of SMA and SolarCoin.
      We are working on a joint solution.

      Sunny regards

  19. Sven
    Sven says:


    I am signed up for more than 9 months now and still do not see any Solarcoin in my wallet.
    What do I need to do to see my Solarcoin Balance in my wallet?

    (I am trying it with the new Ethereum based wallet as well as the old fashioned SC Wallet (v

    • Christiane Keim
      Christiane Keim says:

      Hello Sven,

      May be the problems are caused by doing the registration twice.
      SMA has done all necessary steps to solve problems regarding the balance of the SolarCoins caused by the migration.
      Please try again using only the new Ethereum based wallet.
      Otherwise please get back again.

      Sunny regards

  20. Marc
    Marc says:

    My SolarCoins are missing. Normally I should have 57 coins…. The counter was for a long time on 47 coins…. For more then 6 months no coins have been added…Then suddely it showed 7 coins (so 40 coins have been removed) …. Now it shows 15,125 coins… So I miss +- 42 coins

    • Christiane Keim
      Christiane Keim says:

      Hello Marc,

      Due to the migration to the new blockchain, it may be that transitionally the information was not correct.
      In the meantime, SMA has made all necessary adjustments for this point. Please check the account balance and the required information again.

      Sunny regards

  21. Per STRID
    Per STRID says:

    Hello. When I try to add my client to the SolarCoin program, the checkbox (page Data releases) is grayed out.
    I also find a message in red “In order to be able to participate in the SolarCoin program, please completely indicate the location of the system beforehand.”.
    The location is correctly indicated with its postal adress and its gps coordinates. I don’t know what else I can add.

    • Christiane Keim
      Christiane Keim says:

      Hello Per,

      Please check whether you have filled in the field “country code” as described in the second paragraph.
      It must also be filled in.
      So please enter for example the state, your district, department or country.

      Sunny regards

      • Per Strid
        Per Strid says:

        Thank you Christine, it was the State field missing. We don’t use State to identify an adress or a property in France so I left it blank. I now filled it in with the name of our region and it works. Cheers !

      • Christiane Keim
        Christiane Keim says:

        Hello Per,

        Yes, it’s a common error.
        Good to hear that it is working now!

        Sunny regards

  22. Marios
    Marios says:

    I am receiving the following error op regarding the solar coins
    Status: SolarCoinRejected
    Am I doing anything wrong?

    • Christiane Keim
      Christiane Keim says:

      Hello Marios,

      The error indicates a problem with the verification of the installation.
      The exact reasons have to be asked at the Solarcoin Foundation as SMA has no influence on this item.
      Please contact the SolarCoin-Foundation directly.

      Sunny regards

  23. Johnny
    Johnny says:

    I am getting this Error when trying to sign up with a metamask wallet:

    Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (InternalServerError)

    • Christiane Keim
      Christiane Keim says:

      Hello Johnny,

      As the necessary adjustments due to the migration have been done, an individual mistake may be causes your error.
      We will contact you directly regarding possible changes in your Sunny Portal account.

      Sunny regards

      • Ray Frangie
        Ray Frangie says:

        Hi Christiane,

        I am also getting this error
        Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (InternalServerError)

        Appreciate the assistance


      • Christiane Keim
        Christiane Keim says:

        Hello Ray,

        Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
        This error message should be fixed soon: We are already coordinating with our contact persons at the SolarCoin Foundation.

        Sunny regards

  24. asiturk
    asiturk says:

    Hello Dears,
    Despite i have done everything which was asked,then i got this error message”Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (InternalServerError)”so could u please help me how can i connect solarcoin.

    • Christiane Keim