Annabell discusses freedom at work and the power of networks

Annabell’s job is to ensure that each and every SMA employee has the latest software on their PC. As an IT specialist, she is responsible for the internal software store, where employees can find all the programs they need for their everyday work. But Annabell started at the company in logistics.
What has your career at SMA been like so far?
I’m originally from Munich and moved to the south of Lower Saxony in 2019. In 2020, I came to SMA via a temporary employment agency and started in logistics. After a brief time in Global Order Management, I now work in IT. I like it best here so far because I love the work and have lots to contribute. I manage the packaging and software in our self-service shop and help to decide what is available to all our employees. We are currently planning a new design to make it even easier to use.
What do you particularly like about SMA?
For a traditional German company, SMA is really progressive and modern. You usually only see that kind of thing with American companies. Before coming here, I often had only temporary employment contracts or fixed-term contracts, so I’ve gained a lot of experience in different companies. For me, a modern employer has to give its employees freedom so that tasks are not performed simply according to a rigid, predefined plan. I really appreciate this freedom at SMA. There is something for everyone here, and not everything is so typically German, black-and-white and bureaucratic.
I already had this positive feeling about SMA during the job interview. The managers spoke to me on equal terms and didn’t ask me, for example, what my family plans were. That’s a question I’ve often heard in other job applications.
You mention your experiences as a woman in the working world. What other experiences have you had?
Training in logistics was tough because it’s very male-dominated. I trained as a technical assistant in IT and was always the only woman. Even now, I’m the only woman in my team. But I feel that it’s beneficial for everyone to work in mixed teams. It opens up new perspectives and helps people to look at things differently. The men behave differently and talk about things that they might not otherwise bring up in an all-male environment. So all these supposedly “feminine” aspects are nice because they show that talking about certain subjects is okay and doesn’t make you weak. It’s important for women to be self-confident and to convey that – men do that, too, and it’s completely okay if you’re not so tough.
“I always feel like I can honestly express my opinion at SMA and have the freedom to work the way I want.”
Annabell Thomin, IT Specialist Projects
How have networks helped you in your life?
Networks are enormously important in helping you realize that you’re not alone with your opinion. The queer network is particularly important to me because I don’t always match up with the typical female image that society has and have already experienced many conflicts, whether in partnerships or because of my short hair. And in this respect, networks are so important because they help you to realize that others experience exactly the same problems and that there are people you can talk to about them.
Do you have any other messages for all the young women out there?
You just have to listen to yourselves, to your own intuition. If you think it’s right, then do it. Unfortunately, women are often controlled by others and I think that’s not good. If I had had more self-confidence when I was younger, I would have been able to assert myself more effectively and not have needed to take so many detours in life. So my advice would be to trust in yourself and don’t rely on others so much. You have to make your own decisions and be the person you want to be.
Thanks for the interview, Annabell.
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